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Funtington Primary School


Home Learning for December 13th, 14th and 15th

Home Learning for November 2nd and 3rd

Welcome to Rosehip Class.

On Wednesday 20th September we started to learn the djembe drums. 



On Monday 18th September Rosehip went to Tuppenny Barn for the day. They foraged for fruit and then cooked with what they picked; they pressed their own apple juice; and they learnt to identify different hedgerow plants.

Rosehip Tuppenny Barn



Autumn Newsletter

2022 - 2023

The 'Merry Widows' into school on Thursday to be judges for their talent show. The children served a cake which some of them had made in the morning and tea and coffee. As you can see from the photos the children and the Merry Widows had a lovely afternoon.

TWA and 'The Merry Widows'



Rosehip Class have been making musical instruments in DT this week. Their challenge was to make sure they could change the pitch and volume of the sound produced by their instrument. Lots of perseverance and engineering skill was required!


Rosehip - instuments



'This week some of Rosehip Class went on a trip to The Black Barn. They saw lots of art and sculptures made by two people called Andrew and Laura. The art was life size and the art had emotion to it.

Andrew's art was a bit different to Laura's because it had lots of holes and it was made out of margarine. Laura's was mostly made out of clay and hers was a bit strange because she grew up in a circus so lots of her art was from her imagination.

Their art took a lot of time and effort because not all of their art is small. They definitely took their time as some of their art took 6 months to a year to make.'

Report by Finn and Imogen


mat black barn



We began by making simple thumb pots which we manipulated and added appendages to! We used Scratch, Slip and Smooth to make sure clay which joined together, stayed together. We tried to make our gargoyles as menacing as possible.




Over the last few weeks, Rosehips have been developing their Sports Leadership skills. They have designed their own games and taught them to the rest of the class. They have worked on developing confidence giving clear instructions to others.


TWA - Sports Leadership skills


In English we have reading the Pardoner's Tale and making story strings to retell the story.

Rosehip Class

Pardenors Tale


This half term Rosehip Class have been learning about Sports Leadership in TWA.

Rosehip Class


Today (Thursday 27th April) we walked over the field to St Mary's Church as part of our Pilgrimage Topic. We looked around the church as did some work in our art books.


Rosehip St Mary's Church



Summer News Letter

On the 20th and 21st March Rosehip Class went to CYE (Christian Youth Enterprise) Chidham over night. We have a wonderful two days despite the weather. The children went on the water in a longboat; they went tunnelling and completed an obstacle course.

Rosehip Residential

CYE 2023



In Together We Achieve we have continued to learn first aid and to take part in team building activities.

TWA continuing First Aid




TWA continuing Team Building


We have started to learn the Ukuleles this week with West Sussex Music. We will be having 10 45 minute lessons over this term.




On a Thursday we have 'Together We Achieve' sessions. This half term we a learning first aid.

TWA - First Aid

 Spring News Letter


Rosehip - Team Building Activites