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Funtington Primary School

School Council

Our School Council

At the beginning of each year, those children that would like to be part of our school council make a short presentation to their class as to why they would like to become councillors and the things that they would like to achieve. Each class then carries out a democratic vote. 

As a council we meet regularly to discuss a wide range of topics. This can be topics that Mrs Hoebee or some of the governors would like to hear our views on or it can be topics other children would like to be discussed. We also have half termly class council sessions, where children can bring up subjects, they would like raised. Helping Mrs Hill with organising whole school events such as Children in Need are a big part of our role too.  

Over the last few years, we have been involved in lots of things. We have helped write a child friendly version of school policies, we have adapted the Funtington Footprints for the dining hall & we have initiated lots of fun events.